Answer 5/4 week your Grapes Pears 2015 Huang asked to delete the link in the Google search engine.
Le Royal Grapes you ask:
Don't know well about SEO. Have the big mistake is to change the path wp 2-3 times http://domain/bài://viếthttp. domain/htmlhttp://domain/category/bài viếtHiện in his post. just be some loss of link when search google. When click on it, then move on to the website's sitemap
Makes clear the link in google search. Looking forward to the doctor only for. Em it still needs your support. We at decided to spend http://domain/bài written as google submitted quite a lot and then
answer the question on facebook:
Germany Tastes Date ended up being what you need support? If just delete link in the webmaster tools in gg delete it, that is to be deleted.
Naik intended to snatch back the index itself yen
L Royal Grapes I mean on google type site: domain these articles by changing the link 2 times should it lose the path from google-& gt; domain. Now want to clear the air that Trung Hieu Nguyen/webmasters/tools/removalsXÓA COMPLETE FETCH BACK
Germany Tastes Offense that is to delete the old link http://domain/bài write. htmlhttp://domain/category/bài written right? If you delete this one, then on the webmaster got deleted. Also a new link, then to leave it auto index.
Le Royal Grapes at first link like this http://domain/bài written. the following viết.html at http://domain/bài. both send google requests. Should search lost link. now want to leave those not on fine
he Violations That do not need to be deleted.
Tuan Nguyen on wmt delete only your doctor
Tuan Nguyen search link, and then send the request to delete the link for the web dead prone to poor quality assessment
Pears Grapes were poor facilities facilities also should ask the New England ^^
Tuan Nguyen Uncle do not change the url is fine
L Royal Grapes currently use http://domain/bài style of writing but would like to have the html for it's SEO standard ^^
Tuan Nguyen also didn't need much. your doctor must set the show right from the start rather than
L Royal Grapes Know then do right from the start. At first the new dead. This page to this page back rays
Tuan Nguyen actually wait GG index are not delete sure is quite long
Spring Festival of 1. Set the url of the form domain/% post_name%-% post_id%/. When you change the text in the url, error 404 in webmaster, 2. copy 1 copy sitemap.xml before changing the url then use redirect 301 to adjust.
Link Violate important no Fondness of Germany having HTML or not where your doctor. Install then copy to that. Themselves to change, too. The link it just 1 small pole section, calculated the time it takes longer that his index is much more charge.
If you have any other suggestions on how to remove the link in the Google search engine please leave comments below, we will respond. Wish you Learn WordPress the effect.
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