Answer questions 1 week 5/2015 of your friend Steven asked to delete the word on WordPress Theme.
Your friend Steven asked: your doctor would help me with removing obvious. My site is:
. Asked how the clear text on WordPress Theme?
Answered the question on facebook:
Nguyen Vinh you use the css display: none;
England Steven as would your doctor?
England Steven children cretins code Lam
The Escort should be free to read on chemistry rather than k should be abandoned. Search the guide free wordpress and chemistry research. Also k .is
he wanted to quit his Escort you Steven à
English Steven help yourself vs
The Song is still used the free way (search read more replaced with spaces). Or search the word read more in code and then deleted (user batch add file search, Dreamwave, search by folder)
Nguyen Benefit you have made on the local k? Search in theme option that k has then only in code only
Nguyen is local, I help You Steven His lm
on hosting is always b. You see his finished f12
Nguyen Vinh you into sytle.css file in theme
Nguyen Vinh, add this code to. item-content a. read-more {display: none;}
Hai Dong in the loop wordpress users retrieved information, if using the_content () will have read more, you change to using the_excerpt () Yes
Do The CSS Rotation. more read-widget {display: none}
Steven tks.các.bác.em.fix. addr. changes.
If you have any other suggestions on how to remove the word on WordPress Theme please leave comments below, we will respond. Wish you Learn WordPress the effect.
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