The article is in Series WordPress installation FAQ
answer the question 3 week July/2015 of readers ask how to add a user to access the WordPress on Centos?
Q: I need some help of Relationship, I have successfully installed WordPress on Centos, but I can not set the auto update to wordpress, because I don't know much about FTP in wordpress. How can I add a user/password to access wordpress for my server? How do you help me? Thank you much!
To answer the question:
hey, you read,
You can use SSH instead of FTP to update wordpress. You need to install the EPEL repo:
Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1
sudo rpm-Uvh
sudo rpm-Uvh
[Format Time: 0.0010 seconds]
install the module php-SSH2 :
Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1
sudo yum install php-pecl-SSH2
sudo yum install php-pecl-SSH2
[Format Time: 0.0014 seconds]
reload Apache:
Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1
sudo service httpd reload
sudo service httpd reload
[Format Time : 0.0007 seconds]
then, when you visit the wordpress, you will see in the section where it asks you to set user and password for FTP, will have an option to use SSH2 connection. Using SSH2, put in the server userid and password and you will be able to update wordpress right now.
You refer to. Cordially!
You can review the instructions to install WordPress in your case study to learn how to configure and set up correctly. If you have read the other comments about adding a user to access the WordPress on Centos please leave comments below to help you read knows how to handle this situation. Thank you for visiting the Royal Blog reading Passage.
photo: Asked how to add a user to access the WordPress on Centos?
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