Answer questions 1 week in July 2015 Only Proving your question how to create a sidebar on the footer in WordPress. In the FAQ topic WordPress/WordPress User Guide the only question: I tried Proving You learn how to create a sidebar on the footer like this. The pro supports you with. Your page is using a theme sahifa . Asked how to create a sidebar on the footer in WordPress? Answered the question on Facebook: Bui Duc Liem this theme using page builder. you have to know how to use this not Only at his divided into 2 columns Intelligent builder if page Only, only 2/3 is to be content, look at it somewhat denies Bui Duc Liem You try on Sahira theme setting & gt; Footer Setting. In this section the Footer Widgets-& gt; You choose 4 columns and then deploy the widget is done If you have any other comments to how to create a sidebar on the footer in WordPress please leave comments below, we will respond. Wish you Learn WordPress the effect. The articles...