Answer question 4 week April 2015 nguyenhuuhung_dn your question using Google Ajax Search Plugin but don't see AJAX
You nguyenhuuhung_dn question: I've tried this Plugin Google Ajax Search but don't see it AJAX. You would have to Link plugin Ajax google search for yourself please. M thank you
to answer questions on forums:
You Anh Tuan: Because that plugin has more than 2 years not yet updated and so may not be compatible with the theme you are using. You try 2 try this plugin via the Google Custom Search & amp; WP Google Search
You thachpham: have you seen anyone using the Google Search which is AJAX? You have to understand that the Google Search is the search based on its API and results in its database, what you need is called autocomplete search, and it can't be integrated with Google Search. If you want to Autocomplete Search well, try using the Site search and mobile search app Swiftype
If you have any other comments about the Plugin Google Ajax Search but not find AJAX please leave comment comment below, we'll respond. So thank you for your interest in the article. Wish you Learn WordPress!
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