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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2015

Wp2android - Ask Apache bug fixes not start be in Xampp?

Answer question 4 weeks in April of 2015 you Nguyen Ngoc Dong asked users to submit user plugin post when posting the photo attach attachment not showing You Nguyen Ngoc Dong asked Her new school website creation:. I saw some site visitors can post quickly should go find the Plugin Add User Submit Post. See the Guide to do ok appears to be a quick post. When you try to post, then the problem is not included, the attach image Monday, ok (text content, email) I don't know how handle? The brothers would have use this Plugin or know advise myself with. Thanks much everyone! Answer questions on forums: You vibrating Sheet If the Forum is not just for guests should comment only You haven't used thachpham that plugin but you can use the plugin WP User Frontend and then buy a pro, there are a lot of features. A Pro you can create multiple form submit different articles, of course is a free support you upload attachment. If you have any other comments about the plugin user submi...

Wp2android - SEO software-convert to unsigned Vietnamese Online

Answer question 2 week 5/2015 of you Nguyen Dinh Thien asked Theme in WordPress. Are you Nguyen Dinh Thien question: anyone have this theme a, k look beautiful and stimulating quớ answer the question on facebook: Nguyen Thinh Nguyen Also onepage, len codecayon search has a lot of Nguyen Dinh Thien well thanks 2 . Asked nice Theme in WordPress? If you have any other comments about the Theme in WordPress please leave comments below, we will respond. Wish you Learn WordPress the effect. The articles of the same topic: Asked how to change the Text on the WordPress Theme? Asked if any light, simple Theme that load fine in WordPress? Ask any tool to check the Theme has clean or not? Ask advice Theme Video primarily to share video from youtube? Asked how in the body to have the Theme WordPress attachment path to link it? The article you can reference: Articles 22: simple theme with customizable Customize 23 Article: how to in...

Wp2android - 5 habits do good SEO professional SEOer's with Neil Patel

Answer question 4 weeks in April of 2015 you Nguyen asked how to create a vertical menu on the left for the Web. You want to ask: Nguyen created a vertical menu on the left for ưeb. Anyone have a tutorial how to show off the website does. Search on the NET not out. Wordpress hope chicken help answer the question on Facebook: Tuan Luu on Widgets drag the Custom Menu, and then select the menu you want to show off the most simple no need to code. (^^) If you have any other suggestions on how to create a vertical menu on the left for the Web please feel free to comment below, we'll respond. In this Case Study Learn WordPress have Widget user guide article you can refer to. Wish you good learning. wordpress-mobile-app-plugin

Wp2android - 48.3 article: how to create a database on the host using cPanel

Answer questions 1 week in July 2015 Stick your robot.txt file configurations have asks Leah need to disallow:/wp-includes/no, this is not important. In the FAQ topic WordPress/WordPress User Guide Friend Leah asks: hi all I have a robot.txt file configuration necessary have to disallow:/wp-includes/no, this is not important? Answered the question on Facebook: Tran Dinh the right Thanh Ngoc for robot.txt file standard code please go Tran Dinh the right Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1 User-agent: * Disallow:/wp-admin/ Disallow:/wp-includes/ 123 User-agent: * Disallow:/wp-admin/Disallow:/wp-includes/ [Format Time : 0.0014 seconds] Tran Dinh the right User-agent: * all the search engine can index your site Thanh Ngoc ko can lap thiet file sitemap ha in Chandrakumar Bar I check on google then this file wedmaster Disallow:/wp-includes/blocked my main site from loss, don't understand anymore Tran Dinh command Authority that was blocked folder but not...

Wp2android - 5 common errors when using WordPress

The article is in Series FAQ Xampp to answer questions 4 week July/2015 of readers on how to create a virtual domain for Xampp. Readers ask: Hey Prince Attachment. I installed Xampp and to create virtual domains that don't know how to do? Help e are not ak? To answer the question: hey, you read, You want to run virtual domains (virtual hosts) on Xampp then you should make sure that installing Xampp and Apache is already running. If you set the default Xampp in D drive so you go under with the path D:xamppapacheextra. The syntax for configuring the virtual domain is placed in the file httpd-my vhosts. conf, I will for example illustrates the following domain Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1 # # Apache running on port 80 by default. Please fill out the port that you configure apache & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; # declare your admin mail (optional) & i #x6e ServerAdmin; f & # 111; #x40; & h & # 111; #x61; & #x67; ...

Wp2android - 10 Onpage optimization techniques help web page up TOP

Answer question 2 week 5/2015 of you Steven Tran asked how to create a page of ads and others comment in WordPress. Are you Steven Tran asked: I'm currently using WordPress write 1 page allows users to post ads and others can comment. Their chickens should not bik himself should take the direction is right. Both can anyone help me with answer the question on facebook: Khang Lam Steven Tran is or how code plugin oriented nao he Ken Than I do the page. primarily to study the wordpress. rather than the chicken well. you want to reference. Steven Tran Ken Than you calling for chickens that stars do site see crisis so Means the ceiling forumengine Ken Than You say too. the chicken but also more chicks. hehe ... new edit theme with these basic functions. This page is still incomplete because with the leper's more unknown ones. that should slow the new asshole.. Steven Tran ah that for his question, what is your own free news posting code...

Wp2android - The terms of use

Your questions answered by Dang Van Quang asked about how to fix the Header in WordPress to change Hotline on the top Menu? Articles in the series FAQ question: You just posted the question to succeed Prince fall in with the content as follows: name: Dang Van Quang Email: d & # 97; #x6e; #x67 & &; &; &; #x2a #x6e va ** & # 42; #x40; & #x67; & m & # 97; #x69 &; & #x6c;. c & #x6f; & #x6d; The content of the question: I don't know you, divides the genus WP code. The word Hotline just the line Hotline on Hotline phone number line, then the Header it lost, as the attached picture. A common misconception that you know how the phone number correction on the Hotline that off. Help me with Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1 & lt; body & lt;? PHP body_class ();? & gt; & gt; & lt; div class = "header & lt;? PHP if (is_user_logged_in ()) echo ' & gt; '? "is_logged & gt; ...

Wp2android - Most recent Website design

To answer your question in ask Nguyen Phuong about editing the Homepage for theme News Pro? Articles in the series FAQ question: You just posted the question to succeed Prince fall in with the content as follows: full name: Nguyen Phuong Dinh Email: & # 100 & # 110 &; #x69;; #x68 &; & # 42; #x2a; & #x40; & & y #x61 *; #x6f #x2e &; o & h; c & #x6f; m question content : Hello, thank you for providing very useful knowledge for everyone through this web site. I just made the web and learn a lot from here. Bye himself asked you about editing the Homepage. Express yourself are using theme News Pro for your website. Home to as its default type of recent post this: course I want change like this site: to a short introductory paragraph, and button Continue reading. So I have to do? Thank you much. Answer: Hi, Theme/themes/news/them...

Wp2android - How to create Facebook Apps and get the App ID, Secret Key

The article is in Series WordPress installation FAQ answers to questions, July 3/2015 week you read about the command when installing the Plugin in WordPress Ubuntu. Question: the emperor for his relationship with questioning. Her LAMP server then and I chose the apache configuration change to/var/www directory to removable/home/johnsmeeth/www. Download wordpress from his home about extract on/home/johnsmeeth/www and have installed the plugin installed, but not keep getting asked FTP account but I don't know the command to assign the rights to www-data? I typed sudo chown: johnsmeeth wwwdata johnsmeeth/www/home/but don't be. Help yourself with! To answer the question: hey, you read, according to her in this case, you use this command to view: Crayon Syntax Highlighter v 2.7.1 $ sudo chown www-data: www-data/home/johnsmeeth/www $ sudo chown www-data: www-data/home/johnsmeeth/www [Format Time in: 0.0019 seconds] [6] 403 Forbidden error continues If...