Answer question 3 week 5/2015 Le Van Toan to ask your search for places near a given point You Le Van Toan question: [Google API] in the group to have your doctor would know how to search for places near a given point? only children with. E.g. can you list the location of the xml file now how to select 1 point any then show off the places near that point (the given point is in the xml file) about 1 km, 2 km, Sir Thank all ^ ^ answer the question on facebook: Nguyen the Coat you have longtitude, laititude r, then just look for the calculation of the distance to the long , hybrid around that is dc, this recipe on google there's plenty Le Van Toan keywords to how Nguyen the Command to search Nguyen the bronze medal here you Nguyen the Director Nguyen the Coat and this Le Van Toan thank you nhé to his muse, rescue @ @ . Asked how the search ...